
Pricing Options

That Fit Your Needs & Your Budget

With Vosaic's unlimited free users, free training and implementation, and world-class support, you get more than just video feedback and analysis product! You get an unmatched experience that keeps you focused on your work, not on the technology.

Basic Pricing


  • Unlimited free users (More Info)
  • Per user pricing
  • Discounts at 4+ and 8+ users
  • Best for researchers or accounts with smaller number of users who need to upload videos.
Standard Pricing


  • Unlimited free users (More Info)
  • Per user or plan pricing
  • Larger discounts
  • Best for K-12, teacher prep, and skill development accounts with larger numbers of users who need to upload videos.
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Basic Plan Pricing Calculator

Paid users can record, upload, tag, and comment on videos, as well as use other features.

Free users can't upload videos, but can watch, tag, and comment on videos shared with them. Learn More.

Unlimited Free Users

5% discount on two-year subscriptions.


Pricing Break Points

Number of UsersAnnual Per User PriceAnnual Per User Savings
1 - 3$499$0
4 - 7$329$170
8 - 10$259$240

Do you have specific budget, need more users, or have other pricing questions? Contact Sales.

Annual Billing

We bill annually. If you purchase additional users during your current contract, we will prorate the cost of additional users based on the existing expiration date. Contact us if you have questions about billing.

Vosaic Core Features

Users you add to your Vosaic account can be in one of four user roles. You only pay for users in roles that can upload videos:

  • Administrator
  • Educator
  • Learner

Users in a Viewer role can't upload video, but they are FREE. Contact us to learn how managing users can help you save on Vosaic subscription costs.

Core FeaturesAdministratorEducatorLearnerViewer FREE
Watch marked up videosxxxx
Mark up videos after recordingxxxx
Use multiple forms to mark up videosxxxx
Add comments to marked momentsxxxx
Add tags to marked momentsxxxx
Record videosxxx
Upload pre-recorded videosxxx
Mark up videos while recordingxxx
Request automated video transcriptionxxx
Share videosxxx
Export data to a spreadsheet (CSV)xxx
Export summary report (PDF)xxx
Manage usersxx
Manage groupsxx
Manage forms (custom buttons for video analysis)xx
Manage projectsxx
Create and manage reportsxx