
Case Studies

If you're interested in seeing how others used Vosaic for research and or professional development, this section of our blog is for you.

Case Study: Excellence in Teaching from BYU

Overview  Todd Pennington and Keven Prusak, Associate Professors of Teacher Education at Brigham Young University, are passionate about helping student teachers become outstanding educators. With the help of Vosaic's flagship

Case Studies

Shaping the Future of Teacher Education

Vosaic provides video analysis solutions that uncover insights for performance-based skills. Stanford University Graduate School of Education uses Studiocode, the Vosaic’s flagship video analysis software, to improve the instruction of

Case Studies

Saving Lives in Bihar with Studiocode

Vosaic, formerly Studiocode Group, is focused on providing solutions that unlock human potential and bring about significant change for good. PRONTO International uses the Vosaic video software to improve patient

Case Studies