
How to Teach Online with Vosaic

Emir Plicanic
Emir Plicanic

March 15, 2020

Traditionally, educators have used Vosaic’s video platform to help learners improve by recording videos of their practice in-person. With the growing need to move instruction online, we have some ideas that can help educators record lessons, share those lessons with learners, and have learners respond to videos with questions, answers, and other feedback.

Here’s an example of how that process would work:

As a teacher you can record a lesson at home or in the classroom using a webcam (left) or an iOS device (right).

If needed, you can also attach additional documents to the video to provide more context, slides, or instructions to the students.

You also have the option to set a deadline for students to respond to the video.

Finally, you can share that video either with all students in your class, or only a few specific students.

Your students will then receive an email asking them to log in to their Vosaic account to watch the video.

When they log in, they can click on the video to watch it, and use the attached Vosaic Form (see the buttons next to the video) to post thoughts and question.

Once the students have marked up the video, as a teacher you can log in and see what questions each student asked and which answers they provided.

For each student you'll see a row in the timeline that starts with that student's initials (callout on the left in the picture above). You can then respond to their questions using the annotations sidebar (callout on the right).

I have questions…

The workflow we presented above is just a high-level overview of what the process of teaching online with Vosaic could look like. You may have questions such as: how do I create Vosaic Forms, how do I invite students, how do I attach a form to a video, etc. And while we have many of those questions answered on our support pages, we encourage you to reach out with your specific questions. We’ll do our best to help you set up an online teaching environment that works for you.

Getting Started With Video Toolkit (PDF).

PDF Download


  • Sample Letter To School Leaders
  • Common Answers to Video Questions
  • Walkthrough Sample
  • Observation Sample
  • and more.
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